Tuesday 17 November 2020

Get onboard with the AHOY Centre’s #Rowvember Challenge - Splash247

Get onboard with the AHOY Centre’s #Rowvember Challenge - Splash247

... Based on the River Thames at Deptford in the UK, the AHOY Centre provides opportunities for disadvantaged and at-risk young people and enables disabled people to engage in activities and courses in rowing, sailing and other water and land based activities on an equal footing. ...

... The distances of the 2020 rows include 8.5 miles, 21 miles, 23 miles and 215 miles (the length of the River Thames!) but all participants have the option to choose their own distance. Run 8.5 miles in a day, cycle 23 miles across two weeks or if you’re looking to push yourself or why not complete 215 miles across the whole month by cycling, swimming and running. ...

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