Thursday 28 January 2021

Chloe Dewe Mathews on her five-year project capturing the River Thames

Chloe Dewe Mathews on her five-year project capturing the River Thames

...  “I’m using the River Thames as a vehicle to explore contemporary ritual in England today,” says photographer Chloe Dewe Mathews about her photobook Thames Log. Published by Loose Joints, the series captures everyday life along the banks of the river and aims to explore peoples’ relationship to water as “a space to think, dream and connect”. ...

... “My interest came while I was shooting a project out in the Caspian region called Caspian: The Elements. I’d fly off to Azerbaijan or Kazakhstan or Iran, and I was making work about people’s relationship to natural resources, such as oil and gas and water,” explains Dewe Mathews. “Then I’d be flying back home to Britain, where I used to live just a few 100 metres from the River Thames. I thought, I’m making all this work abroad about our relationship to these natural resources, but actually I wonder what that relationship looks like closer to home, and how people in England are engaging with the river.”  ... 

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